CODE Meee participated in the 6th Yokohama Venture Pitch

CODE Meee participated in the 6th Yokohama Venture Pitch

On Wednesday, February 14, 2018, our representative, Kenji, pitched at the Yokohama Venture Pitch held at PACIFICO Yokohama.

The Yokohama Venture Pitch is a pitch event aimed at discovering new business partners, such as funding sources and collaborating companies, to further expand the businesses of venture companies aiming for growth and development. This time, in collaboration with LIP. Yokohama, the theme was 'Life Science/Healthcare,' and seven venture companies presented their business plans and business models.

The venue was bustling with attendees, including new business development officers from large corporations, financial institutions, media, and investors.

We will continue to create a new lifestyle through collaboration with other industries, with "fragrance and IT" as our axis.