Edogawa Hospital

/Clinical Research

Maximizing "Condition" with Fragrances: CODE Meee Starts a Clinical Study at Edogawa Hospital to Explore the Possibilities of Fragrances in Medical and Nursing Care Facilities

CODE Meee Inc. a company that provides optimal fragrances for individuals and companies, has started a clinical study at Edogawa Hospital to design a comfortable and happy space with fragrances, with the aim of widely utilizing our unique blended aromas in medical and nursing care facilities in the future.

Photo of Edogawa Hospital staff and Ota

Edogawa Hospital, which is at the forefront of cancer treatment and has earned the trust of the local community, features colorful modern art exhibitions throughout the hospital. With the belief that "if the staff enjoys working, it will inevitably improve the quality of service to patients," the hospital incorporates playful visual elements, and has received positive feedback from inpatients. In addition to the previous visual elements, we will now focus on olfactory elements and explore the possibilities of creating a happier space for patients, caregivers, and families. This led to our collaboration with Edogawa Hospital for the clinical study of CODE Meee's Solution Fragrance.

Photo of Edogawa Hospital staff and Ota

In the future, we will first verify the impact of fragrance testing in the palliative care area on environmental improvement from qualitative and quantitative perspectives. In the long term, we will develop Solution Fragrances optimized for the unique "odor space" associated with tumors, represented by cancer, to reduce the stress of patients, caregivers, and families and improve their QOL (quality of life) through "happy fragrances."